Amnesty campaign blog

Monday 16 April 2007 campaign

Great campaign here about freedom of expression on the net. You can add you name to the petition for Internet Freedom, read censored articles on the web and spread the repressed words on the net by adding the irrepressible dynamic fragment to your blogs. That's the one you can see here in this post. Cool no? oh, and I forgot the site is not only in English. It is translated into French and Arabic. Reaching the world!

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Close Guantánamo demo

Believe it or not - Yes, there are still hundreds of men illegaly detained in the Guantánamo military base. They are held without fair trial and are not allow visits from their families and relatives. It's been now more than five years now! More than ever we need to demonstrate to close Guantánamo. I went on a demo organised by Amnesty last January at the steps of the US embassy in London (see picture). Check our their website for more actions at

Close Guantánamo - Amnesty International

Welcome to my Amnesty campaign blog!

This is a blog where I share my passion about human rights campaigning. I am a real campaigning freak! So check this space for more info on the latest campaigns and events to defend human rights. I'll keep you posted. Peace and lovexxx.